Yes...Dah Handover...

just finish with handover job for Cap Square to our client...
but there are some of things been requested by client to add on into the show unit...
boss said he will organized it sometime next week...

eh! what that supposed to mean...
I thought my last day is this coming Friday...
what was for next week...
(macam tak bole brenti keje je...)

but what ever it is next week I still have to come back to Cap Square for the final checking on the Inventory list...
(baik sangat kan Izan ni...dah brenti tu brenti aja lah...tutup mata...tak payah nak memeningkan kepala pasal kerja lagi...)
well I am doing this for the sake of my responsibility on the job I'm handling...

boss today not in a good mood...
pissed off with our account personal...
(pasai apa...biarlah kami di dalam ofis ni aja yang tahu...)
he told me that he nearly killed him self last night & thinking to pack all of his staff...catch a plane..going back to Australia...
wooooooooo...this is really serious matter...
(ayak Ms. Wong...apa you sudah buat sama kita punye boss lar...)

the client (marketing manager) ask why my boss look very different & very emotional...
I just told her that he is too stress with his work...hehehe

best part of the conversation with the marketing manager... =)
K: Izan you work with BRDB lar...under ID department...
Me: Eh BRDB got ID meh...
K: I create the department for you got experience & can handle site job...bole nak tak...lepas ni nanti I talk to my boss...we can discuss later ok...
Me: hehehe...suka hati aja you nak create ID department untuk serious about this ke...let me thing first ok...
K: I am serious lar Izan...after this session I will discuss with my boss...sure he want to hired you lar...

wow...job offer ke ni...
but I have bad experience with big company...
well really have to be careful this time...
what ever it is I only accept the offer if there is a black & white agreements...
don't just talk talk haaa...

(nak go for it or....tak payah lah...just concentrate on my mom business...think think Izan...ada 2 orang anak nak kena tanggung + parents lagi...)

"Barang siapa yang bertakwa kepada Allah, maka Allah akan menunjukkan padanya jalan keluar dari kesusahan, dan diberikanNya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak di sangka-sangka, dan barangsiapa  yang bertawakal kepada Allah, nescaya Allah mencukupkan keperluannya." [surah At-Talaq 2-3]
Yakinlah Rezeki Itu Jaminan Allah.



  1. Masha Allah..Alhamdulillah..Bila musibah dtng tanda Allah bgi Rahmat..tepuk dada tanye selera..Wallahu a'lam..

    1. hmmm...terima kasih...klau tepuk dada rasa skt tanda apa ek...hehehe gurau aje ek jgn marah

  2. Alhamdulillah Izan.. klu peluang tu bagus, why not just give it a hit.. dlm waktu sy sama, plan lah utk bangunkan ur mom's business tu slow2 & silent2.. bila dah ready, lompat terus.. :D :D. Anyway, wish u all the best!.. :)

    1. Terima kasih syaa Allah akn di war2 kn dlm blog ni...


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